Ressources supplémentaires en ligne :
Brochure de documents distribuée en cours :
From the schism of Henry VIII in 1534 to the Toleration Act of 1689, England experienced several upheavals resulting from bitter controversies on both religious and political issues. During this period, England went through several succession crises; Protestants and Catholics were persecuted, and a king was executed after bitter civil wars.
The country became a constitutional parliamentary monarchy with a state religion halfway between Catholicism and Protestantism, more or less tolerant towards the many non-conformist sects, not an absolutist monarchy of divine right as in France.
The purpose of this course is to understand the complex links between the Crown and the Reformation during the reigns of the Tudors and the Stuarts, and to trace the evolution of the Puritans, from their exile under Mary Tudor, to the Glorious Revolution, including the execution of Charles I, through a careful study of primary sources (legal acts, pamphlets, theological treatises…) and secondary sources (historians’ articles and books).
The course will not only capture what distinguished the different religious movements of the time and their role in the country’s political and social life, but will also address the historiographic question: to study the political and religious history of England in the modern era is to seek to better understand the history of the world today. Finally, the course will also aim to train students to comment on historical texts and to write essays in civilization
Calendrier des séances 2019/2020
Le travail indiqué ci-dessous est à effectuer pour le jour indiqué.
12 September: Introduction, Henry VIII
- In class: doc. Act of Supremacy 1534.
- In class: doc. Ten Articles 1536.
19 September: Henry VIII
- Listen: (45mn), on Lollards and Wyclif.
- Listen: (45mn), on Erasmus.
- Listen: (43mn), on Caxton and the printing press.
- Read: doc. on Sacraments.
- Read: doc. Thomas More.
- Read: doc. Tyndale attacks pilgrimages.
- Exercise: doc. John Colet:
- Define ‘Convocation’ and ‘humanist disenchantment’
- What is the main idea at the beginning of the text?
- Identify the three charges against the clergy and define them.
26 September: Edward VI, Mary I
- Listen: (45mn), on the dissolution of the monasteries.
- Listen: (43mn), on the Book of Common Prayer.
- Read: doc. Pilgrimage of Grace
- Read: doc. Act of Repeal 1554
- Read: doc. John Foxe on Anne Askew
- Exercise: write biographies of Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Cranmer
3 October: Mary I, Elizabeth I
- Listen: (45mn), on Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.
- Listen: (45mn), on Calvinism.
- Read: doc. Act of Uniformity 1559
- Read: doc. Apology of the Church of England, 1562
- Read online: Article on the BCP’s 350th anniversary:
10 October: Elizabeth I
- Listen: (45mn), on the Spanish Armada.
- Listen: (43mn), on the Trinity.
- Read: doc. The 39 Articles, 1563
- Read: doc. Pius V’s Regnans in Excelsis, 1570
- Read: doc. Elizabeth I on her prerogatives, 1585
- Exercise: write biographies of John Hooper, Philip II of Spain, and John Foxe.
17 October: James I
- Listen: (45mn), on the death of Elizabeth I.
- Listen: (45mn), on the Tudor State.
- Read: doc. The Millenary Petition, 1603
- Read: doc. Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, 1604
- Read: doc. The Roots and Branches Petition, 1640
24 October: James I, Charles I
- Listen: (45mn), on divine right of kings.
- Exercise: write biographies of John Jewel, John Whitgift and Edmund Grindal.
31 OCTOBER: NO CLASS (Holidays)
Devoir à rendre le 7 novembre. Sujet à déterminer.
Longueur maximum : 8 pages ou 2500 mots. Rappel important : tout plagiat sera systématiquement poursuivi.
- Listen: (45mn), on the Pilgrim Fathers.
- Listen: (45mn), on the Jesuits.
7 November: Civil War
- Listen: (45mn), on the notion of original sin.
- Listen: (45mn), on Free will (cf. with predestination).
- Read: doc. The Nineteen Propositions, 1642
- Read: doc. A Solemn League and Convenant, 1643
- Read: doc. John Milton, Areopagitica, 1644
- Exercise: Declaration of Sports, 1633: Propose a detailed commentary outline. Write the introduction and conclusion (2 pages maximum).
14 November: Civil War, Commonwealth
- Listen: (45mn), on the trial of Charles I.
- Listen: (45mn), on the Putney debates.
- Read: doc. The Vote of No Addresses, January 17, 1648
- Read: doc. Milton, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, 1649
- Read: doc. Oliver Cromwell, The Four Fundamentals, 1654
- Read: doc. The Declaration of Breda, April 4, 1660
- Exercise: doc. Petition of Right, 1628:
- What legal precedents are mentioned by the petitioners to buttress their claim?
- Where their requests unusual?
- Which individual rights are asserted?
21 November: Glorious Revolution, Correction ‘devoir’
- Listen: (45mn), on the Glorious Revolution.
- Listen: (45mn), on Toleration in England.
- Listen: (45mn), on Hobbes.
- Listen: (45mn), on Quakers.
- In class: doc. Declaration of Indulgence, April 4, 1687
- In class: doc. The Act of Toleration, 1689
- In class: doc. The Bill of Rights, December 16, 1689
29 November: FINALS
Devoir sur table en anglais (commentaire de texte). Durée: 2 heures.
5 dEcember: STUDY WEEK
14 December: correction
Class policies
Please read them carefully and seriously. This is a computer-free class; all notes must be taken in notebooks. The use of computers, smart and cell phones is strictly prohibited; exception for full compliance to this rule will be granted only for students with a documented medical need. Non-web connected Kindles or other eReaders are permitted. Cell phones should be turned off and put away, beyond temptation’s reach. If I observe you texting or web-surfing in class, you will be dismissed from class and marked absent.
Plagiarism cases will be systematically prosecuted and can result in expulsion from the university.
Rappel des modalités de contrôle :
- Formule standard session 1: contrôle continu. La note finale est la moyenne de deux devoirs écrits (30% pour le premier, 70% pour le second), dont au moins un devoir sur table de 2h (commentaire ou dissertation).
- Formule dérogatoire session 1: 1 devoir sur table (commentaire de texte, 3h).
- Session 2: 1 devoir sur table (commentaire de texte, 3h)
Bibliographie / Reading list
- Cressy, David et Lori Anne Ferrell, Religion and Society in Early Modern England : A Sourcebook, Routlege, 1996, 2nd ed., 2005.
- Foster, Andrew, The Church of England 1570-1640, Longman, 1994.
- Smith, Alan G.R., The Emergence of a Nation State : The Commonwealth of England 1529-1660, Longman, 2nd ed, 1997.
A document brochure with a detailed bibliography will be distributed at the beginning of the course and posted on the Department’s website.