CM sur Hamlet de Shakespeare (Agrégation interne)

10 octobre 2022 (9-12h) Remembrance in Hamlet. Faith in Hamlet. 28 octobre 2022 (14-17h) Duty in Hamlet. Affection in Hamlet. 29 octobre 2022 (13-16h) Slander in Hamlet. Clemency in Hamlet. 5 décembre 2022 (13-15h) Consent in Hamlet. 27 mars 2023 (14-16h) ET: 1.2.1-65. ET: 3.3.36-98. 3 avril 2023 (9h30-10h30) ET: 4.4.1-65. Vous pouvez télécharger une … Continue reading CM sur Hamlet de Shakespeare (Agrégation interne)

Hamlet in the Twenty-First Century

Edited by Victoria Bladen and Yan Brailowsky BELIN Éducation / CNEDISBN : 979-10-358-2074-9Dimensions : 145x200 cm312 Pages Publisher's page: This collection contains new scholarly work on Hamlet, Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy. Chapters discuss many of the most debated issues relating to the play, including its textual cruxes, its language and publication history, and its … Continue reading Hamlet in the Twenty-First Century

Cover: Shakespeare and the supernatural

Shakespeare and the supernatural

Edited by Victoria Bladen and Yan Brailowsky Shakespeare and the supernatural Manchester University Press, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-5261-0906-4 Supernatural elements are of central significance in many of Shakespeare's plays, contributing to their dramatic power and intrigue. Ghosts haunt political spaces and internal psyches, witches foresee the future and disturb the present, fairies meddle with love and … Continue reading Shakespeare and the supernatural

Shakespeare and Africa, #12 ‘Shakespeare en devenir’

Pascale Drouet & Yan Brailowsky (eds.), Shakespeare en devenir , #12 (2017). ISSN: 1958-9476. Ce numéro explore le rapport entre le théâtre élisabéthain et jacobéen, celui de Shakespeare mais pas exclusivement, et la représentation de l’Afrique, ou plus contextuellement, la perception du continent africain dans l’Angleterre de la Renaissance. Il s’intéresse aussi aux réécritures, aux … Continue reading Shakespeare and Africa, #12 ‘Shakespeare en devenir’